Task: Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
Preparing for the task: We, as a group, drew a storyboard including information on all the different shot types, angles and dialogue. We found this extremely helpful when filming.
With the help of our storyboard we knew exactly what we wanted in the shots, what type of shot we wanted and what angle the shot should be at. We managed to maintain the 180 degree rule as we did not want to confuse the viewers of the positioning of the characters.
We used a selection of camera shots, from a close up, to a long shot. These different shots were cleverly used, for example we had a close up of the door handle and character 2's mouth to depict a dramatic ending. The long shots were used when character 1 was coming up the stairs as we felt it was right to incorporate her whole body.
Our shot reverse shot was used towards the end of the film, when the dialogue is used. This shows the audience who is talking to who clearly and easily.
Our actors were positioned on the screen very well as you can see most of their bodies, and we used an over the shoulder shot when they were exchanging dialogue to make it clear that they were talking to each other.
My role during the filming was to film the different shots and direct the positions of the characters.
I enjoyed the filming a lot as it was a very fun and enjoyable learning experience and I have developed my camera working skills further.
I am very happy with the final result of our preliminary task except for a few minor details, for example several of our shots could do with being longer as the first few scenes are quite quick. To improve our sequence we could have used a more open plan space as the balcony we used had a very limiting area for movement. In the majority of the scenes the characters were positioned well, however, in one scene we could have done with the camera being slightly lower as all we can see are the top of the characters heads.
I feel that we worked very well as a group as we each listened to our different ideas and all shared the work equally.
I feel very confident when it comes to using the camera as i now know where all the buttons are and know how to assemble a tripod. Using iMovie has proved to be a difficult task, however, the more I use it, the more confident I become and I am sure that in time, I will know how to use it properly.
Here are some stills from our preliminary task